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October 28, 2023

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How to Install Wine on PCLinuxOS

An image reading copy paste into terminal

As of October 28, 2023, the procedure on this page installs Wine Stable 8.0.2. Wine Development appears not to be supported.

Getting ready to install Wine

Why no sudo?

PCLinuxOS does not enable sudo by default. Their compelling rational may be found in,90479.0.htmlNew Window Icon

Out of respect, this document will consistently use su rather than sudo. The consequence is that only a user in possession of the root password will be able to install Wine. Disallowing user passwords to grant root privileges – an obvious threat to security – is the point.

Apt vs Apt-get

In PCLinuxOS, apt and apt-get are identical, as can be verified by comparing the output of the two commands $ apt ‑‑version and $ apt‑get ‑‑version.

Installing Wine

Update all packages. As PCLinuxOS is a rolling distribution, this is done with a distribution upgrade.

$ su -c 'apt update'
$ su -c 'apt dist-upgrade'

The next command installs Wine x64, Wine x32, mono, and gecko. This is the only PCLinuxOS Wine installation option.

$ su -c 'apt install wine64'

Verify the installation succeeded

This will also tell you which version of Wine you installed.

$ wine --version

Configure Wine

To bring up Wine's configuration panel, open a Terminal window and execute winecfg. If installing mono or gecko is offered, accept the offer.

When prompted, set your preferred version of Windows. Windows 10 may be preferred for most applications.

$ wine winecfg

If you are creating custom Wine prefixes, this configuration must be repeated for each prefix.

Two simple tests

Just for fun, or to see Wine in action …

Display a simple clock

$ wine clock

Run Wine's builtin web browser

If installing gecko is offered, accept the offer.

$ wine iexplore

How to install a Windows app

Wine is a Terminal application. Even after installing Wine, you will not find it listed with the desktop apps that came with your Linux distribution. Wine is invoked using Terminal commands.

As an example of installing a Windows app with Wine, consider Abcdef, a fictitious Windows application which is installed by Abcdef_Setup.exe. To install your own Windows app, replace Abcdef_Setup.exe with the filename of your app's installer.

The first step is to download Abcdef_Setup.exe and store it in ~/Downloads.

After doing that, execute winecfg (if you haven't already).

$ wine winecfg

The command to execute Abcdef_Setup.exe must be issued from the directory where Abcdef_Setup.exe is located, so execute

$ cd ~/Downloads

The next command starts the installation. Respond to the installer's prompts just as you would in Windows.

$ wine Abcdef_Setup.exe

Here is a real example. It installs version 8.6 of the text editor Notepad++. The file name of the Notepad++ installation program is npp.8.6.Installer.x64.exe

$ wine npp.8.6.Installer.x64.exe

When installation is complete, look for an Abcdef launcher on your desktop. There may also be an entry named Wine in your distribution's Applications. Launchers may require you to confirm execution of your app is safe.

More about installing Windows apps

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Image showing Athena serving Wine to Heracles